We are psyborgs. We are modernists in that we embrace system building, skepticism, and a universalist integration of memes and worldviews. We are postmodernists in that we embrace deconstruction, integral aperspectivism, relativity of context and radical synthesis. We are hedonists in that we support the radical increase of felt joy and its corresponding expressed compassion. We are centaurs in that the processes of mind and body are transparent to us, intentionally integrated and metaprogrammed. We are driven by the ever extending embrace of love, the ever transcending and including progress of evolution, and open-minded inquisitiveness. We navigate by vigilant awareness and discriminating wisdom. We strongly believe in the dissolution of egocentrism, sexism, ethnocentrism, anthropocentrism, logocentrism, and any other fundamentally divisive reality tunnels. We love easily, interact patiently, observe mindfully, learn freely and live fearlessly. We are not the beginning or end. We are psyborgs, welcome to our temporary autonomous zone.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rockers Intro

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